Philippine Construction Arbitration International Conference 2021
November 25, 20201, 8:30 am to 5:45 pm
Register here —> https://events.vx-events.com/events/picamconference2021
See full schedule here

Arbitration Proceedings
We invite everyone to the 3rd installment of the PIArb-RAIF Webinar Series (A Comparative Review of Key Points in Arbitration) to be held on 28 October 2021, Thursday, from 1:30-3:30 pm (Manila/HK/SG Time). This time we will tackle, among others, developments in and key points on arbitration proceedings in Australia and the Philippines. We are honored to have Mr. Russell Thirgood of the Resolution Institute Australia and CIArb Australia and Prof. Mario Valderrama of the PIArb as our speakers, and Ms. Adela Mao (ICC YAF Representative for Northern Asia) as reactor.
Please feel share the attached flyer/invite with your colleagues and friends. The event is free and open to all who are interested.
Philippine Construction Arbitration International Conference 2021
November 25, 2021 ; 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Love online: http://picamconference.vx-events.com

The Appointment of Arbitrators
Dear PBA members:
You are cordially invited to the second run of the Philippine Institute of Arbitrators (PIArb)-Regional Arbitral Institutes Forum (RAIF) Webinar series: PIARB-RAIF WEBINAR SERIES: A COMPARATIVE REVIEW OF KEY POINTS IN ARBITRATION.
With the PBA as a supporting organization, this second part of the series will be held on 26 August 2021, Thursday, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. (Philippine/Hong Kong/Singapore Time). It will focus on “The Appointment of Arbitrators” and will feature speakers from the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand.
Please refer to the attached photo and flyer for details.
You may register with Mr. Raymond Clarin at rmclarin@syciplaw.com.

The Arbitration Agreement
A Comparative Review of Key Points in Arbitration Webinar Series PART 1
June 24, 2021, 13:30-15:00 PH/HK/SG time

PBA Talks
April 30, 2021, 9:00 am (Manila, PH)